Self-Motivation and Inspiring Others
Self-Motivation and Inspiring Others
by Jeff Talarico
Even during challenging times, inspiration is everywhere, you just might have to look a little harder to spot it.
One of the easiest things to do is to get stuck in a rut and, once you get there, it can be difficult to get out. But, if you can motivate yourself, and when you do, you will end up inspiring others all around you.
It's important to remember that motivation and inspiration means different things to different people. What someone finds stimulating, someone else may find dull and of little value or beauty. If you want to find your own flash of creativity, start by looking at things you are interested in.
Open Your Eyes to What Inspires You
Have you been stuck in the rut I talked about earlier? Same ole same ole, day in and day out?
So, what do you do to stop the rut from becoming a grave? Open your eyes! Self-motivation seems to come more easily to some people than it does to others. Because of that, some people can quickly become motivated while others remain in a pattern of ‘rut-digging’ that tells them strong positive emotions are out of their grasp.
Finding that creative spark is within your reach, if only you would make the conscious decision to leave your comfort zone in search of new experiences. Be willing to make mistakes, look silly sometimes, and live life to the fullest. Creative inspiration is as close as your next decision to try something new.
Ideas to Help You Fill In The Rut
The first thing to do when you realize you are in a rut is to stop digging. Ask yourself what you have stopped doing in your life that has taken you to this point. Then, I would start with some positive affirmations every day. You will notice in a very short time that your day’s are getting fun again and new opportunities are coming your way. Personally, I think some of the best affirmations are found in scripture. There are 31 lessons in the book of Proverbs. That’s one a day for every day of the month. Give it a try, you will not be disappointed.
The next thing you could do is take inventory of what you read, watch, and listen to. Zig Ziglar said “Garbage in, garbage out.” In other words, if all you read, watch, or listen to is garbage, that’s all your putting into your thoughts. Ruts and graves really like garbage.
The next thing, look for opportunities that lead to you helping others. Nothing helps boost our self-worth more than lending a hand to someone else. Now, since you may not always know what others like, this may be difficult. However, asking the right questions that allow someone to open up will lead you to how they are motivated and inspired. Strive to teach others how to look for the spark they seek. When they know what to look for, they'll be able to see inspiration every place they look for it.
When you teach someone how to locate ideas on their own, they'll possess that skill all their life. Then they can find their own excitement wherever they are: at work, home, or on the go. They will also be able to help someone else which acts as a multiplier to motivation and inspiration. It's a simple strategy that's great for the creative type, or for anyone who feels stuck in a rut.
If you are ready to step out of your comfort zone, just remember, you will be different than the crowd, but you'll live a life filled with a richness that many miss. Choose today to try something out of the ordinary, and see what inspiration flows from you. And when you do, share it with someone else. Remember, you deserve all that life has to offer. Why not make a new choice today?
Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,
Until next time….
Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash