What Makes You Tick?

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What makes you tick?
Or in other words, what motivates you?

Are you one that chases fame or fortune? Is money and success your motivator?

There was a time in my life that money and success was all I could think of. I felt that this is what I needed to be happy.

Well, I achieved success, at least to the level I felt would make me happy and, guess what? I wasn’t happy, it wasn’t enough, I had to have more.

It seemed that with every year the goals would get bigger, the pressures would increase and happiness was just one more deal away.

Maybe this is you, maybe this is something you are facing and chasing right now. Perhaps you are struggling with it.

In 2001, I made the decision to stop chasing a moving target and start focusing more on what was important.

Now what’s important to you might not be the same as it was for me but these are the choices I made to find happiness.

👉 Faith

This became the single most important thing in my life. Without faith I would not have been able to survive the things I have with the peace that I have.

👉 Family

Next to my faith, family became a focus. I love spending time with family and celebrating their accomplishments as much as my own.

👉 Friends

Focusing on what I can do to serve my friends is extremely rewarding. Not doing for them to get anything in return but truly serving them because I care.

Don’t get me wrong, I still plan, set goals and do all I can to accomplish them but I no longer stress about them or worry about them. My focus has changed from competition (with others or myself) to fulfillment.

Changing what made me tick to the three F’s that I shared has been an awesome ride.

I believe in planning & processes even more. They are what enabled me to change my focus.

So what makes you tick?

Share your thoughts below.

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#AuthenticLeadership #success
#leadershipdevelopment#leadership #coaching #generosity #lifelonglearner

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Photo credit Vadim Bogulov on Unsplash