Have you ever heard the term, “Don’t take life to seriously, you never get out alive?”
Have you ever heard the term, “Don’t take life to seriously, you never get out alive?”
I was reminded yesterday to “lighten up, chill out, don’t be so serious.” So what did I do? Well I got serous into thinking about that saying. Here’s what I came up with.
Life is a beautiful journey that none of us are immune too, we all get to experience it. Some for a long time while others much shorter.
It's a journey that is filled with ups and downs, joys and sorrows, successes and failures.
Some people breeze right through life while others take things a bit more seriously.
But here’s the deal, I don’t think the phrase is a bad thing. I actually think it’s a reminder to enjoy life to the fullest.
We can get so caught up in the day to day. What banks are going to fail, is mine next, my portfolio dropped, how will I pay my bills? All of our day to day responsibilities, worries, and stresses add up and we forget to appreciate the simple things.
When we take life too seriously, we tend to lose sight of what's truly important. I call it the 3-F’s.
🌟 Faith 🌟Family 🌟 Friends 🌟
👉 Faith is something that is extremely important to me. If I didn’t believe what I do, life would be hard and extremely difficult. The faith I place in God, calling upon Jesus as my Lord and Savior, is the one thing that absolutely changed my life.
👉 Family is almost just as important to me as faith. My wife is my best friend. She keeps me focused and grounded and is my sounding board for my thoughts, concerns and ideas.
👉 Friends, especially my small group of men that I can trust, be candid with and share truth with is something everyone should experience.
Life is meant to be lived, not just survived. It's meant to be experienced, not just endured. We should all aim to live a life that we are proud of, a life that is filled with laughter, love, and adventure. We should strive to create memories that will last a lifetime, not just accumulate possessions.
Most of all, no matter what you believe or don’t believe, you can be sure of this; life is a precious gift that we should cherish and enjoy to the fullest.
We should not take it too seriously, but rather embrace it with open arms, focusing on the things that matter most, for me the 3-F’s, while surrounding ourselves with people who bring us joy and happiness.
If you want to talk about any of the 3-F’s, I’m here for you. Let’s talk.
Go make a difference today!
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Photo credit Maryam Dumlao on Unsplash.